1. Írj 5 mondatot, hogy mi van a szobádban!
Például: There is a desk in my room.
1. .................................................................................
2. .................................................................................
3. .................................................................................
4. .................................................................................
5. .................................................................................
2. Állítsd helyes sorrendbe az alábbi szavakat!
Például: on/there/book/table/a/is/the
There is a book on the table.
1. cinema/the/is/in/there/a/town
2. high/is/a/building/there
3. sea/there/a/in/shark/is/the
4. apples/on/are/the/there/three/table
5. some/bus-stop/are/the/there/people/at
3.There isn't vagy there aren't? Húzd alá a helyes választ!
Például: There isn't/aren't a dog in the park.
1. There isn't/aren't any people in the room.
2. There isn't/aren't computers in the library.
3. There isn't/aren't a car in the front of my house.
4. There isn't/aren't good discos in the town.
5. There isn't/aren't a park in the city.
6. There isn't/aren't restaurant near here.
7. There isn't/aren't shoes in the shop.
8. There isn't/aren't a phone in the house.
4. Alkoss kérdéseket az is there és az are there, valamint a megadott szavak felhasználásával!
Például: radio/in the car
Is there a radio in the car?
1. cat/in the room
................................................................................. |
![]() |
2. new film/at the cinema
................................................................................. |
3. fruits/in the fridge
................................................................................. |
4. hotel/near here
................................................................................. |
5. any children/in the house
................................................................................. |
5. Válaszolj a kérdésekre rövid válasszal!
Például: Is there a phone in your bed? No, there isn't.
1. Is there a bank near here?
No, ................................................................. .
2. Are there any books in the library?
Yes, ................................................................. .
3. Is there a tiger in the zoo?
Yes, ................................................................. .
4. Are there any pictures on the wall?
No, ................................................................. .
5. Is there a man in the room?
No, ................................................................. .