1. Helyettesítsd be a mondatokba too kifejezést és a zárójelben megadott melléknevet!
Például: The bag is too heavy (heavy) to carry.
1. The tea is ................... .....................(hot) to drink it.
2. The sea is ..................................... (cold) to swim.
3. The weather is ............................... (bad) to walk.
4. The book is. ........................ (big) to take it with me.
5. The soup is ................................................. (cold).
2. Egészítsd ki a mondatokat az enough és a zárójelben megadott szó felhasználásával!
Például: You are not strong enough (strong) to carry this box.
1. The coffee is ................................. (cold) to drink.
2. The car is not ................................... (fast) to arrive in time.
3. Your answer is ................................... (good).
4. The storm is ..................................... (far) from our house.
5. The serving is .................................. (good).
3. Helyettesítsd be az alábbi mondatokba a too much/too many kifejezéseket!
Például: There are too many cars in the city.
1. I drank ........................ coffee. |
![]() |
2. I watched ........................ horror films. |
3. I haven't learn
......................... |
4. I read .............................. newspapers. |
5. I work .............................. |
4. Helyettesítsd be a következő mondatokba a too few/too little kifejezéseket!
Például: I have too little money to buy a car.
1. I have ...................... information about this.
2. You have ...................... time to prepare for the exam.
3. She has ....................... friends.
4. They have ....................... idea.
5. We have ....................... guests.