in his/her twenties |
húszas éveiben |
in his/her mid-thirties |
harmincas évei közepén |
in his/her early forties |
negyvenes évei elején |
in his/her late Fifties |
ötvenes évei végén |
in his/her sixties |
hatvanas éveiben |
in his/her seventies |
hetvenes éveiben |
in his/her eighties |
nyolcvanas éveiben |
in his/her nineties |
kilencvenes éveiben |
retirement |
nyugdíjba vonulás |
childhood |
gyerekkor |
adolescence |
kamaszkor |
to grow up |
felnőni |
to be brought up (by somebody) |
felnevelve lenni (vki által) |
to go out |
randizni, járni |
argument |
veszekedés |
to slip up |
szakítani |
to fall in love |
egymásba szeretni |
to get married |
összeházasodni |
to get pregnant |
teherbe esni |
to last long |
sokáig tart |
to get divorced |
elválni |
to remmarry |
újraházasodni |
2. Kösd össze a mondatok elejét és végét!
1. |
Claudia was born |
a. |
was a boy at her secondary school. |
2. |
She grew up |
b. |
in her early thirties. |
3. |
Her first boyfriend |
c. |
in a block of houses. |
4. |
She went out with him |
d. |
when she was in her late twenties. |
5. |
She went to university |
e. |
in a small local hospital in 1973. |
6. |
She fell in love |
f. |
for six months. |
7. |
They got married |
g. |
just after the baby was born. |
8. |
She had a baby |
h. |
with another student doing economy. |
9. |
Her father retired |
i. |
when she left school. |